Saturday, 17 January 2009


A lot of the arguements and conversations that go on over at the BG forums seem to revolve around a cyclic repetition of "you are wrong, I am right" that sucks the intelligence out of you just for reading it, never mind engaging it.

Some people just will not be told, regardless of how right or wrong they are there is nothing else but their opinion and there is no room at all in their way of thinking for anything else at all.

I find these kinds of people extremely frustrating to deal with. Although I also know better than to try and argue with them as well, you might as well be dripping water from a pipette to put out a furnace than explain rational and reasoned thinking to these types of people. The former would be far more productive.

Now, I can understand the notion of doing something one way because you know it works. Experimentation is a difficult thing to know when to do and when to play it safe, as an Ls Leader my own whims suddenly become subject to the fact that I am also responsible for everyone else as well. Questions need to be addressed before you just plunge in. Can we do it, do we have the man-power, or the technical skills to pull this off, can we afford the exp loss, is it worth our time.

I tend to err on the side of caution a lot of the times because I am not just toying with my own exp and time, but everyone elses as well, which means that when it comes to the linkshell, I will be more conservative MOST of the time. I have been know to throw caution to the wind and just trust in blind faith that the ls can carry it through. Winging it like that is so exciting, the ls pulls together because you have the trust that they will unite behind you and achieve the goals you have set out.

Now we have been doing End Game for a long time, the same fights over and over in the same way pretty much with some tweaks here and there. When we first started I was 1 WHM and we had PLD/WAR on Byakko. Now its PLD/NIN and NIN/DRK and far more cure back up, lol I wouldn't ever want to put that much stress on 1 mage for a fight like that, I know it was mind numbing when I did it, but it DOES hone your skills.

MP Conservation, timing and judgement brought together to win. It is when you start becoming blase and casual about things that you lose, when you really really REALLY shouldn't be doing. There is little excuse for people these days to fail fights against certain end game mobs, it isn't hard to research out the basics of the fight, and while nothing can beat raw experience you should be able to adapt fast enough to a changing battlefield to cope with the quirks of a fight that you never read about.

You do need a strong leader for that, it is too easy to lose a fight with 20 voices all chiming in contradictory information turning your ls into a Push-me-pull-you that unravels at the seams and you are suddenly all dead and your WHM is having to home-point to come raise everyone.

There is more to running a linkshell than just throwing your members at a mob, it is a multi-faceted role that requires you to be patient, durable and innovative. It also requires you to be a rock regardless of the turn of events. You are in a position where people will hate you and idolise you. Neither of which are an easy mantle to wear both as damaging and open to chiping away at your humanity to make you vulnerable and bring you low.


  1. Psst. I like your Linkshell Omoi. o.o

  2. Your post is summarizes what I have learned about leading an LS. Some people fail to recognize that being able to do something new must be in a controlled safe manner. Losing XP only to fail multiple times does nothing for morale.

    The idiots in my first LS have *finally* come around to my way of thought 3 years after leaving them. It's a hollow victory.

  3. I would imagine that to be an extremely hollow victory at best, and one of those things can ends up really just making you feel frustrated and sad that it has taken so long for them to finally realise that you were not "X, Y and X" against them.

    I find the worst times in the ls to be when you insist on doing things a particular way/direction and get slammed for it, only to be proved right about a month later. It is a very bitter pill to swallow but since I love my ls to bits, you have to get over it.

    LoL one of those things where you have to live and learn and hope it doesn't happen again. The balance in the leadership at the moment is really good in my ls which helps the members I think. Not everyone feels comfortable going to the big cheese, but that doesn't mean that you just ignore problems or are not any less responsible for taking care of them, knowing about them is half the battle though LOL

  4. I probably lean onto the stubborn side of your comparison there. I hear a lot of requests for coming as something a little out of the norm to dynamis, but generally refuse to let it happen. This is mostly due to not wanting to field "can I come Job/Stupid?" questions when I'm already overwhelmed by the other admin duties.

    The way I've tried to handle it is if someone wants to experiment with a different subjob that most would consider out of the norm, I want them to PM me their logic behind it ahead of time. Most of the time, the logic revolves around a niche idea that we wouldn't really run into or wouldn't make or break a run. That is really what I'm looking for when someone wants to do something out of the norm.

    In a smaller environment, I'd probably be a little more open, but in the large environment like dynamis and einherjar, I've always felt the less stirring of the pot there is, the better off we are as a whole. :)

  5. You're right, I'm wrong. Lets tentacle and sponge each other in celebration.

  6. >.> /looks disturbed but secretly feels compelled to join...

  7. Confuses says
    "Running a LS during a LS Event is akin to trying to read every chat log with no filters on during a Dynamisis run while poking your eyes with your fingers"
